Wednesday, August 26, 2009

my first day in blogosphere

yes its a new world.. a world with faces unknown... a world full of ideas and a world full of rebels with these ideas.... its my first day and all i wish is that the blogo ppl will come out on the streets one day and change the world for good and forever....

soldier with a pen is a funny title but i think i have the right to write too... i have held the gun long enough and i think it has not made the bang i expected.. bullets kill bodies.. but fail to capture minds... i think a pen is a better weapon to write about the change that i want..
god bless me

1 comment:

  1. a blogging soldier!
    uncle, u know i always wondered how the purposeful life is like for ordinary mortals esp in olive greens! and after reading the blog i can see you as my bridge.... seeing life Xtra-ordinarily,from the professional aspects to emotional dilemma....from the journey which reveals itself only after reaching across the transitory destination to the courage to carry our life through the pains of changes and small capricious and frustrating disappointments... you know that slogan of indian army- 'DO YOU HAVE IT IN YOU??!!' is for real and congratulations for putting your life through, not only for army enthusiasts but also for people seeking out to find their purpose... for YOU DO HAVE IT IN YOU and having it is contagious!!!
    brilliant...! keep up uncle!! looking forward for more!
